What I learned from my 1st year of business – S12EP14

In today’s episode, I will be talking about What I learned from my 1st year of business. I wanted to share where I am on my working for myself journey and what’s on my mind at this moment in time. I find this helps me to focus and reconfirm what I should be doing. If you a few steps behind or ahead of me you will find this useful in planning your success
- Currently, I am working on
- Where am I in my working for yourself journey
- I am testing out
- My biggest challenge at the moment is
Topics in this Episode:
- Be ready for it not going to plan
- Look at multiple sources early on Multiple channels keep creating
- Start before you are ready-
- Working vs keeping busy
- How to set up a website super easy and cheap
- Balance workflow to create a video every day
- Waste time busy when you are not
In the next episode:
I wish I knew this before I started using password managers
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My Business Working for Yourself podcast is powered by TrustedCreators.org.
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: The information talked about in this episode is not financial advice or recommendations. The information does not constitute financial advice or recommendation and should not be considered as such. I am not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), therefore not authorised to offer financial advice. Do your own research and seek independent advice when required.
Views and opinions expressed in this episode by the guests and or speakers are those of their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Zulftalks.com or TrustedCreators.org. Having guests on this podcast does not endorse them, their services or their products.