How to photograph cards, magazines and leaflets

One of the most important things when advertising online is making sure that you keep your marketing coherent.

In an ideal world, you’d hire a photographer; however, many startups are just individuals working alone. That’s why we have a few tips to help you get some good photos.

Use the same images on your website, business cards and leaflets. You owe it to yourself to showcase your hard work and distinguish your product from others in the market place.

You need to think about:

  • Lighting
  • Shadows
  • Compositions
  • Props

Achieve an adequate starting point for a social media strategy; shoot your business cards. Everyone has one of those, right? Below is an example of my work: a carefully placed prop sets the scene and adds an element of elegance. I was careful not to have the card facing directly into the light as this would have washed out the detail.

In the final image I was mindful not to include too many props; this can draw the attention away from your product. It’s important to capture a moment in time with your photos. Blend a range of props to create your desired emotion.


In the above example we are portraying relaxation, drawing attention to the main subject, the magazines and flowers.
Play with light and shadows to add depth to the image, again below we play on the fact of having a coffee and a read. You will notice we stuck with a sqaure composition as this photo was used for instagram and Twitter.


Keep a open mind and play with layouts. You will be sure to get some stunning images.

Keep shooting,
Shoot: Khushboos by Chand, Oozes Couture & Asians UK Promo work

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