Products on white background
Product photography is all about accurately but attractively representing a product. The principal use is in catalogues and brochures, with a large proportion of product images being used in web advertising.
Product photography is all about accurately but attractively representing a product. The principal use is in catalogues and brochures, with a large proportion of product images being used in web advertising.
Moda Woman is one of the UK’s premier buying events for the womenswear sector. With a diverse selection of contemporary and mainstream women’s branded fashion it is a well-established and essential part of the UK trade show calendar each season.
It’s worth getting an old lens to make your video look unique. Here I show you my 28mm Prime that I have had for years. It can be easily adapted to new DSLR cameras with an adapter ring. It will be manual focus of course, so a bit of a palaver but its worth it….
A good camera alone does not take good photographs, furthermore be it “Canon” or “Nikon” the brand has no relevance any more. These days there is not much between the two brands in terms of quality of images produced. I have shot with a basic Canon for a good chunk of my career. My first…
One of the most important things when advertising online is making sure that you keep your marketing coherent. In an ideal world, you’d hire a photographer; however, many startups are just individuals working alone. That’s why we have a few tips to help you get some good photos. Use the same images on your website,…